The Personalized Medicine Research Center (PMRC) of the Endocrinology and Metabolism Research Institute (EMRI), Tehran University of Medical Sciences (TUMS), was established by the Ministry of Health to educate, research, and advance knowledge in personalized medicine in the country.
Personalized medicine utilizes individuals' genetic information to improve approaches and effective methods for prevention, diagnosis, and therapeutic strategies for various diseases.
Pharmacogenomics is a science anticipated to bring significant transformation across all fields of medicine and is considered the cornerstone of personalized medicine.
Given the rapid advancements in genomic technologies, it is expected that genomic sequencing will be accessible to every individual nationwide in the near future.
Considering these remarkable advancements in healthcare technologies, the PMRC is prepared to effectively implement and leverage the full benefits of these sciences at the national level. Undoubtedly, utilizing these national advancements would not be possible without the commitment and collaboration of scientists, teamwork approaches, prioritization of patients' needs, and adherence to the principles of medical ethics.
The Head of Personalized Medicine Research Center